On shaming pornstars

I'll never get men shaming women porn stars. As if they're not the demographic paying for porn. Abi anyone think it's straight women paying for these sites?

First off, more men watch porn than women. In this statista study in France, 23% of French women watch porn. That's in contrast to 78% of French men admitting to watching porn. 

Another article I read said it's 36% of visitors on Porn hub are women. And even in that lesser frequency, there are straight women and lesbians. Lesbians ain't watching no damn heterosexual porn, but straight women watch lesbian and gay porn.  

Hell, according to Porn Hub statistics, women search for lesbian porn more than heterosexual porn. In 2019, women are 106% more likely to search for lesbian porn. And women were 168% likely to search for gay BDSM. It's just what it is. And that's cos straight porn is usually hardcore which caters to the male gaze while lesbian porn focuses on the woman's pleasure.

Same statistics revealed that those straight porn videos, men cum 78% of the time while women orgasm measly 18% of the time. And you wonder they women are searching lesbian porn. Anyways, if you want to read more, check here

So there won't be a market for the straight industry and their women being millionaires if there aren't customers (read MEN btw).


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