On Finding You (the movie)


I tried to get into this movie because the it seems like a cute love story of someone finding her faith in God. Because the premise seemed so promising, the trailer was great and I love the trope, a movie star and a violinist.

So ideally I was really really expecting a very interesting movie. But something was wrong just few minutes in. I just was not feeling the chemistry between the two characters no I think there was a glimmer of chemistry on there or just maybe it's because the actors are probably new actors. But generally there was just something missing.

I don't know if it's the energy because it was definitely spark between the two actors but it just didn't glue me to continue watching. I mean it is supposed to be an emotional story, a heart tugging movie but I just ended up feeling kind of impersonal. I think maybe it's a new director or something. Which reemphasizes that it's always not about the story but also how the actors interpreted it, how the directors made it which is missing here


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