On The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez (documentary)


God, I was 30 minutes in the first episode of this documentary and felt tears on my cheeks. I can't even begin to explain the torture this boy went through

These evil people were offing cigarette butts on his body. He has cuts on his groin area. He has cut marks all over. He'd been shot with a BB gun. His teeth had fallen off. Like they've hit him so many times that when you touch his head, you don't feel smoothness you'd find on your head. His are dented and crunchy. He can't open his full mouth. His legs have abrasions cos of being dragged and ligament issues of being tied up a lot. There is missing skin on his neck because of burn marks and he had black eyes. And he was only 8 year old in all these. And the people inflicting this is his mother and her boyfriend.

He was always locked in a cupboard in his womb donor's room. No bed, inside that cupboard that is usually inside the kitchen under the sink, that's where he slept. And this evil man handcuffs him, puts socks in his mouth and ties his eyes in that cramped cupboard. They not only lock him in there day and night, they feed him cat litter. Cat litter is cat shit. Like cat faeces. Like nsị pussy cat. Like Nsị anụmanụ.

How do you abuse an eight year old child like this? Howwwwww???? Even if the child is a spawn of the devil or even killed somebody, why will you torture an eight year old like this? Whyyyy? This is so abominable. This evil womb donor's defence is that the boy is a liar , his injuries are from playing and he was self mutilating. An 8 year old. 8 fucking year old????

As the documentary went on, we even discovered that the mother herself was abused as a kid, didn't finish elementary school, gang-raped for 2 days when she was 11 year old, also raped as an adult, a victim of domestic violence in relationship. So she was a victim herself and she repeated same cycle onto her own child.

The climax that led to Gabriel's death was that boy had asked that devil of a mother, "why do you let him treat you like that?" This despicable woman went and told the abusive boyfriend. This man started beating Gabriel and the boy obviously lied and said he didn't say anything to the mother. And this evil woman opened mouth right there and then and accosted her own child that's being beaten by her boyfriend, "you told me that 5 minutes ago?"

Howwwwwww. What the actual fuck?

This was him 2 weeks before his death. He was still doing school project. Writing coupon to his mother, saying that "He will be good." The fuck does an eight year old have to promise to have to be good for his mother. 2 weeks before they beat this boy to death. He is still carrying placard, smiling, drawing picture of their house and saying he is loved, hoping he'd spend more time with his mother. The fuck, there are some people God is not supposed to allow to have children. My goodness lord. This documentary hurts.

I even got really angry at God. Like how do you allow this to happen to an eight year old child? Aren't children supposed to be your favourite. Like so you sit in the heavenly places, see and know everything as omnipresent, Omniscience and you allow this to happen to a child? Howwwwww? Like howwwwwww? Don't tell me this is Job testing or some martyrdom bullocks? What the fuck does an eight year old do to deserve this cruelty from both human and God alike!

Which even left me pondering. Going by Christianity logic, so you're telling me that since the last thing this boy did before losing consciousness as he was beaten to death is lie, he'd go to hellfire. And for some reason these atrocious abusers repent, they'll go to heaven?? Lee to the fucking Mao. Like do you guys actually believe this? Azin, ụdị ebe ahụ abụrụ what someone should aspire to? God himself forbid. Hell, even Devil forbid that kind logic. I'd rather not go to such heaven. What the actual fuck. And People want to say that "it's God's will."

There are a few things that grates my nerves as when people interject "will of God" in situations like this.

What do you mean it's the will of God. Ịnụkwa "you don't know what would have happened if he stayed alive?" Ọ gịnị dị bụ ife ahụ? What's worse that what this boy had gone through? Like what's actually worse than it?

They broke a specific part of his rib that houses nerves. So every breath he was breathing was painful cos of the contraction of the ribs with that nerve. These people didn't take him to the hospital. 

Pray think for once whilst saying that God's will. 8 months. 8 frickin' months of torture. People tried to report to the authorities but for some reason, they just didn't intervene. And even God in heaven did not intervene. Someone said something in the documentary that I was trying to put together but couldn't find. He said, "It's like death got him by the hands and blinded everybody else." His abuse was so loud but for some reason, he was overlooked. God

I've been enraged since yesterday and the more I watch crime trials, the more I am grateful that I didn't gain law admission. I'm too emotional to not react to someone during a deposition. My goodness


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