Notions (Lost)

I was pushed out of my daze by the shrieking of these girls. Women!
Ụmụ nwaanyị

I'm looking at them, mouths swishing rapidly and hands akimbo. Eyes sparkling, conversations and catching up probably because of lack of contact in a while.

Still seated by the roadside, jamming Kygo, "Firestone" to the highest decibel. 

"We light up the world"

The statement above sure as hell does not resonate with me. I have a need assessment today. I'm early to the agreed place of departure, no one is there.
Is it not Nigerians again?

I should just go back, I don't even have strength to start with
Halt!  wait for a moment.
Call someone, (unfortunately no airtime)

I'm seated by the roadside
Lost in memories and Surfing the social media. 
A post, a post on how much poverty have shrunken people

My situation is a tad better
Not extremely devastating like what I've read. It's terrifying how much people experience.
Much more because these people are smiling, tryna live, work it out one way or the other.

But I am here, cranky
Uninspired because I am not among the privileged folks. 
Dragged out of my daze
Focusing on the mission at hand
Other team mates are present now and for a few hours, I'll forget about my circumstances,
Just for a few hours of enabling progress.


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