
Showing posts from 2022

On tiktok aesthetics

I actually do enjoy watching all these tiktok aesthetics You know these videos that has several filming, long hours of editing, added colours and effects... I just relish basking in them. The world they create is called simulacra. It's Hyper-reality. Carefully curated for you to see their world in a specific way. Like DisneyLand. Like Marvel Universe. These videos have been warped to fit a certain image.  Many Cuts. Takes. To represent a kinda lifestyle. In reality, those scenes are most likely bland and as normal as anything. But these videos create an image that makes the lifestyle and views aspirational. So I live vicariously through them.

On men frothing about women choices

A Facebooker made a harmless post about "same way men select wives based on personality match, that's same way women choose their partners" And this man is spewing this. Because for him, all women who cross an age threshold are desperate and can't make a choice.  That's not even the problem I have with his stance. My issue is this : " So if I'm living alone at 45, who e concern. If apparently women don't feel fulfilled without marriage or kids, Are you the one feeling downtrodden with me? Is it not going to be me managing the "supposed" depression all by myself bikonu?" So why this always pains men like this beats me oo. I can't understand it eziokwu. I no fit.  Or is it cos they are so scared and can't envision the possibility that a grownass woman would find fulfilment all by herself without being with man?  Heiiiii... The thing rijuru m ọnụ. God forbid

On my top 5 self improvement books

 I know people shit on self-improvement nonfiction books But that genre doesn't only constitute career improvement, finance, public speaking, or relationships books... I find that I prefer the ones that deal with communication, psychology and self-introspection  So Here are my 5 most recommended -  1. You're not so smart (David McRaney) - this one made me get my head outta my ass in many prejudices I had 2. Ikigai (Francesc Mirlalles) - Think contentment in a piece of work. Finding balance where your needs, ambitions, desires, and satisfaction meets 3. Non-verbal communication (Marshall Rosenberg) - Think empathy in how we communicate. Quelling that anger to outburst (and none of the meditation required) 4. The defining decade (Meg Jay) - absolute recommended for those in 20s. Especially in this modern world 5. The art of witty banter (Partick King) - If you find small talk excruciatingly tiring like I do, you need to read this one

On Domestic Abuse

 On this whole domestic issue, there's nothing I can say that hasn't been said before I used to be one of those people that say - " it can never be me" Then, I read Colleen Hoover's "It all ends with us." And I kid you not, I was fervently wishing that the guy changes. He was an amazing person. Really praying, and it dawned on me on the inkling as to what DV victims feel. Colleen Hoover wrote the book based on her own mother's experience. Her father was a great parent, but terrible spouse. Her mom eventually got the courage to leave. Osinachi didn't. This woman didn't. And honestly, I no longer have an opinion on either of their choices.  Sure, she obviously knew that she was in a bad place. But as I'd been hoping that the MC in It all ends with us changes, they must have been doing same for their spouse. But they didn't survive  So I'm no longer team - "it can never be me" I'm team - *"God Abeg oo, may I not tr...

On "not" Patriarchy fault

The Chinenye of 2019 woulda been happy about this. But the copywriter Chinenye understands the business now.  Here is how it works - the results you achieve is directly proportional to what you get paid. So if the men's NBA club pull in majority of all basketball games, then obviously men will be paid higher. Same with football.  I mean, I don't even know any single female footballer. How many women actually watch football, especially female football? The audience matters. Men watch sports like football and basketball like crazy. So obviously, the men should be paid more. And also why female gymnasts are obviously paid more/receive more endorsements than the men.  Also why Big brother female housemates receive more endorsements after the house, while the men just about fade to obscurity It's all about the money you get for the Industry. Not everything is Patriarchy fault 

On changing surnames

 When I was younger, I actually had no qualms about changing my surname after marriage.  Because I thought it's done automatically. Like, once I'm married, for some reason... my surname automatically changes to my spouse's I didn't know I had to officially go to court and legalise the change the name. And formally conclude with declaration of names in newspapers. Wo! When we talk about this changing of surname issue - the sheer fact of not wanting not to change the surname is enough reason to be honest But if we want more logical justification, here is one. I work as a virtual assistant. And I've received hundreds of messages from women, who have to swear affidavit, or produce different documents of before and after details, because some of their documents have their maiden name, while others have their spouse surname The men on the other hand, never need to bother about different names, except those with name discrepancies, or had changed their names So women go th...

On Motherhood and parenting

You know people say - "You're still in your 20s, you don't know enough about the divine hormones and shit." Yes, I'm not disputing it. But It's important to know you have options. Biological parenting isn't by force Kids are a lot of work. These ones I'm staying with here - I'm not exactly feeling the maternal affection supposedly innate in women. The other arguement is - "you won't have anyone take care of you in your old age." Well newsflash, almost everyone in old people's home have kids and grandkids. But the kids have their goddamn life as well. I envision -  Reading. Mentor young women. Talking about A.I and shit in events. Binge on a show. Rinse and repeat. I've hardly quite Thought of kids in the equation save that I can have two max - then possibly hysterectomy. If I'm childless and my body eventually gives in to old age, I'd have stashed enough money for paying for my old people's home after a fulfilled l...

On JavaScript reduce method

 When I watched a lesson on JavaScript reduce method and heard the instructor say it's one of the hardest, I simply shrugged - "meh" That's because at first, I understood the basic mechanism. It reduces the values in the parameters to a single digit. Simple right? Nope!  A few JavaScript exercises later and I'm nearly smacking my head against the wall - "I can't seem to understand this reduce method anymore." Thanks to web development simplified, I finally got the gist So here's a simple function to use reduce function reduceArr((){ }) This can accept 4 parameters. But for purposes of clarity, let's start with the commonly used. 2 parameters alone So, function reduceArr ((total, iteration) { }, initalElement) So, this method accepts a callback function and another parameter. The last parameter is the starter "total" That's, it's the element that will be the initial total in the first iteration. Which is usually zero . So, i...

On building my first program

 So, this time last week, I managed to create a calculator programme I didn't start off planning to build the programme I was solving basic JavaScript exercises online So I was sorta getting a little hang over it. And I came across an exercise that requires to take a value from an input, and multiply and divide with the value from the second input I solved it It immediately struck me. Like an Eureka moment "Chinenye, this is actually building a program from scratch without help or tutorial " So I decided to expand on it. And make the code more readable. Also added more features of addition and subtraction Then I used CSS to design it. I was so ecstatic that I shared with some people - My brother, Sandra, Ebube, Afoma  I only wanted to share with those people And that was it. Of course, the program is basic. And I'm nowhere as proficient as a lotta people But, I feel so validated that I actually have a shot in this industry So here is the link if you want to check it o...

On cancer and storytelling

  This girl's ad (both on Facebook and YouTube) has got to be the best copywriting I've ever seen in a while.  The lead statement on the YouTube goes thus - " I don't want to die " That's one of the most powerful sentences. The emotions work even more, cos it's coming from a child.  Anyone could easily imagine their child saying that. Or their sibling. Also look at the first sentence of this ad - * "It doesn't just tell you - 'I am in pain.' It describes her being in pain.* Brilliant.  God forgive me. I'm not trying to downplay the seriousness of her sickness, but the copywriter did a brilliant job conveying this in a way that tugs even on my (hardened marketer) chest. 💔💔💔  Please donate, no matter how little 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

On Git (Reaching out and seeking help)

I've always prided myself in knowing how to use Google So when I was finding git incredibly difficult, I felt like a dunce. Like I didn't know anything Last week, I was desperately reaching out to the GenZTechies group, asking for help I didn't even know how to push my forked repo to the main branch When I managed to push the folder I pushed it to the main folder, instead of inside the component folder within the main folder And the coordinators said I didn't do it well, and to redo it I felt humiliated I was browsing up and down Watched several YouTube videos Deleted my commits Started again Deleted again Phew Finally, I got a guideline that helped me with checking the git status and uploading the specific folder This is the link, you should definitely check it out. It's most helpful -   Now, after I'd gotten 2 more tasks, I'm getting the hang over what " git status " and the specific folders to add Plus, the other git commands Another episode tha...

On my First Open Source Contribution

You can only become an expert if you continue practising and have a healthy mental state Yesterday proved that to me I was frustrated yesterday at home.  So, when I picked up the laptop to contribute to my tasks in the (currently secret) Open source project, I just couldn't do it. I wasn't even understanding the code by the previous contributor So here's what happened.  There are SVG files. And instead of adding the SVG to their specific folder so it can be reusable, the guy just copied it straight to the HTML file. And he tried to make it responsive as well Simply put, it just wasn't working well I couldn't grasp it I figured I'd better copy the similar codes that others contributed.  Still, it wasn't corresponding and the half of the divs  remained invisible  Which I figured is because he tried to make it more responsive on mobile I was irritated. The SVGs properties took up a large space. And they were confusing me I told myself that if I try it again tod...

On postpartum psychosis

  God! This documentary This woman stabbed her 3 kids to death cos of post partum psychosis. We don't talk a lot of the transformations and despondency that follows suit after childbirth We don't talk about those enough. And women internalise these burdens thinking they're alone My expectations for the future goes thus - 1. Women should be having up to 1 year paid time leave after labour. It's crucial 2. Bio-tech should develop to extent whereby a baby can be removed at either 4/5 month and eventually mature in an incubator or something I'm disheartened reading stories like this. And knowing it happens to millions of women You can watch the documentary here - 

On Faith and hope

 I didn't want to talk about this yesterday cos it's kinda insensitive. Religion offers an incredible solace for man. I mean, imagine a world where your fate isn't predetermined. And there's no one coming to save you ever. It's scary, rightfully. This is why a lot of us place hope on the supernatural. That God is looking out for you But things like the Sunday massacre at Owo happen, and you're like - "Okay, is this scenario God's plan for those people to be martyrs or is it that God ain't interested in saving people on earth?" You know, questions to actually understand your stance. Christians like to say - "Don't question God or his actions" I call Bullshit. Cos I know I question my earthly father if I no understand wetin dey sup. So if God is our heavenly father, supposedly, shouldn't you be questioning him to clarify things for you? For the most part, " you don't want to question God cos you fear he isn't goin...

On personal branding and online presence

Once in a while, step back from your online presence and career path and evaluate if that's actually what you want to be doing Especially the former. Imagine someone like Shola whose entire messaging is almost leaning towards Incel movement suddenly doing an about turn to "Tech coach or affiliate marketer." Or Ulxma, the feminist battle tested Uloma, suddenly being about soft-life and feminine energy Doesn't correlate at all. Not that it's not feasible to make such drastic change But before you take online popularity seriously, envision who you wanna be in the future I've visualised mine. My whole online presence and personal brand brand has to be about the corporate world, and scaling businesses. Going for conferences. Events. Joining boards of startups among other business related ventures. C'est finis Anyways, thank God for things like roadmap. Cos imagine I'd taken criticizing organized religion as my personal brand. God forbid

Roadmap to front end development

 The first month - Taking Introduction to computer science by Freecodecamp and Cs50 Warning - Yes, you'll feel dumb 90% of the time. You'd probably grasp one or two concepts. Then forget them the next day Then start the first language of your choice.  Code along with the teacher from the very first day Why? Because you'd be in motion.  Your enthusiasm rises by doing.  You may not know why they're using some concepts, might even seem gibberish to you. Hell, you'd encounter several bugs. My advise is "shut down the laptop" on those days. Probably skip the project onto the next one but code along with them still. After coding along, browse about the concepts individually What this does is "it recalls your mind to the specific time you used the concept in your code" Even though you may not know how it actually works So, code along.  Then watch the videos without coding along. Try and recreate some parts of the video Remember, it's not necessary t...

On JavaScript split( ) and join ( ) methods

I finally grasped the difference between array methods Split and Join today Both accept arguments However, split( ) divides the string into array while join( ) , adds the array back to a string So how are they used? Suppose you want to run an array method on a string. Something like filter( ) or map( ) There are three steps to make this work 1. Split the string first into arrays 2. Work the solution using the array methods 3. Then join back together as a string Common syntax is: someStr.split(" ") - divides this string into an array someArr.join(" ") - joins the array together to a string Koddess

On Loops

 forEach method accepts function that inputs each element in an array For... Of It is a block scope concept in JavaScript. It allows for iteration by use of bracket and curly braces. For... In Used in reference to iterating objects

On Smiling

 So, I've been really intentional about my facials. I used to have a crazy Resting Bitch Face. I'd always been frowning And the funniest thing is... I didn't even know I frown a lot. Yet, I was always wondering why I was unapproachable and don't make friends easily. Well, I'd begun working on my social etiquette, and smiling is a crucial part of it. I did a lot of mouth/lips exercises I consciously make the effort to keep a friendly demeanour as I exit. And I won't lie, I get more reception from people. The first time it worked was when I attended the Oracle Ng competition at UNN. I was sorta cheery as I exited the hall, and the female usher reciprocated. I won't lie, it felt good. Also with kids. I'd always bragged that kids don't come close to me. Little did I know it's cos of my Resting Bitch Face too. Until I tested this out. I'd gone to pay the NEPA bills, and the baby was on the floor. And I smiled at him. Immediately, he started chuckl...

On Grasshopper app and getting stuck with a function exercise

Why ever did you second guess your ability, Chinenye? You see, Learning is a journey. After months of getting stuck with a function that accepts 2 parameters in Grasshopper app, I finally completed it yesterday What was the difference? My mind had become accustomed to what was required of me. I wasn't then tryna place why a function should accept arguements, and whether the arguements are actually placeholders My task now is simple -  Decipher the logic And do the code exercises using the hint And for that, I'm immensely grateful for growth. For learning. And assimilation . It's somewhat difficult for me at times (like the codebubb exercise I did today and was didn't know I should convert the string to array before proceeding But like I always say - The same way you didn't know how to add an image to your html file, same way you couldn't link your stylesheet and font awesome Same way Variable didn't just make sense to you. And now they all do make sense to y...

On entrepreneurship

  Emphasis on Intrapreuneurship. Yup, carry out internal projects. And while at that, why not have a flexible schedule and remote work!!  I've always maintained I'd rather be a Sheryl Sandberg than a Mark Zuckerberg.  Yes, I will be a c-suite executive of course. But I don't want the burden of the oga kpata kpata.  Gimme my salary. Lemme invest in stocks and bonds (and Crypto). I don't have strength for entrepreneurship and raising funding. At least not yet

On 2023 Presidential election

Hope is probably the most powerful weapon. It fuels optimism. I mean... Mr. Peter Obi is like the light Nigerians are desperately hoping would propel the country forward. I almost want to dream of a glimmer of light if he wins.  I'm crossing my fingers, clutching my chest and hoping he wins.  Nigeria electoral process is not exactly straightforward, so I fear my hope would be doused with freezing water 

5 easy and effective steps to finally code successfully from the scratch

So, I really want to talk about crossing the bridge from tutorial hell to programming Now, as someone who started actively JavaScript in February, I'm nowhere near an expert But I can guarantee that what you're about to read will help you finally start solving coding exercises and coding from scratch So, every newbie coder experiences this.  After taking tutorials, and learning about the syntaxes in a language. If you're like me, you probably coded along with a teacher. However, when it comes to your turn to create something, from the scratch, it's as though your brain is blank Now, the first thing you'd definitely see online when you browse how to be a problem solver is they'll tell you to " divide the problem into smaller problems " and then " Create a pseudo code for the problems" That's it. You're not told the next step. You're abandoned to figure out the next line of action. Expert coders may not even realize when they finall...

On Beguile by Oma (Goddess)

  I act like I'm okay but I've been seriously eyeing this perfume since it came out in April.  Bad news is - I already have 2 perfumes from this brand (Beguile by Oma - I'm their brand loyalist for life)❤️  But I'm not a spendthrift, so no mindless buying.  Which is why I'm working to hit a milestone (like finally cracking problem solving and building something) so I can tell my brain that I'm rewarding myself with it.  But I still stalk their page everyday to read reviews🥺🥺

On map method in Javascript

If you want to create a new variable by making adjustments to an initial variable, you can use the map method to do so The map method can be used in an array of just strings, or even array of objects So this is how it works - Let's say you have an array (of numbers) saved into a variable called "wholeNums" const wholeNums = [1,2,3,4,5]; And you want to return each of the elements, but multiplied into 3 This is how the map method works with it -  Step 1 You create a new variable for it and call the map method to the initial variable const newWholeNums = ) Step 2 Inside the map, you have to add a callback function. Basically, add argument that you want to run inside the map method. So it becomes this -  const newWholeNums = ( ) { }) Step 3 Now, this function is supposed to have an argument to represent each of the elements in the wholeNums array const newWholeNums = (nums ) { }) Step 4 This is where we add the ...

On successfully deploying to Netlify

 Remember when I said I couldn't deploy my website to Netlify So, I was awake last night (today's midnight actually), and I'd wanted to download some videos per my YouTube night plans I figured I'd find some video solutions on how to deploy the site The solution I found suggested to add - CI= npm run build I wanted to leave it till morning. But I decided not to procrastinate and do it again I excitedly booted my laptop. Logged in to my Netlify account. And... It didn't work, again. I wanted to sleep.  But browsed around more on the community portal, and stack overflow. They all suggested the CI= npm run build command I was about to give up and came across an article  Apparently, you can manually deploy your site just by drag-and-drop method with the folder And you wouldn't believe it, I did that. And deployed 2 websites (the sparkle clone, and the softcom clone) I checked it out on my screen, they weren't looking too well. I left it for this morning. Grate...

Film review - 365 days: This day

  Omo, there are terrible dialogues And then there is the catastrophy of 365: this day I knew heads-on going in that the movie is trashy. But nothing could prepare me for this cringe-fest I intentionally succumbed myself to!  It was as though the screenwriter was learning English Language as they were writing the script They could have conversed in their indigenous language, and saved us this horror Not even the sex scenes could salvage the damage. It was a nightmare indeed

Film review - Blood Sisters

Movies for me is primarily for entertainment. Not to poke for plot holes, or any other criticism. Yes, there are movies that are Frankly horrible... Case in point - Chief Daddy 2 (coughs) But I've decided that since I'm no longer learning screenwriting so I'm not about to be dissecting every scene So even with chief daddy 2, I was entertained by Falz's character.  The point of my writing is this -  Blood sisters is a great film It was on point. The sound track, cinematography, sound effects, movie progression. The movie kept me on my toes to some extent. Yes, I got bored and skipped the episode 4 The climax and resolution didn't quite do it for me But I am honouring Nollywood for their efforts. Go watch Blood sisters. A bloody amazing film

On Javascript (pause and play button)

  For the pause and play button You create a button with 3 items inside 1. A span with a play text 2. A span with a pause text 3. A span with no text inside but has a class of "switch" Now, the third empty span will be styled differently in the stylesheet. And can be placed as an absolute of 50% of the button container. It can also have a different colour What happens is that it covers either the pause, and play span Then you get to the JavaScript You add an event listener, to when the button is clicked, then a new class will be added to the spans in the button. Or you can toggle it. For instance -  button.addEventListener('click', function ( ) {         if (span !contains('slide')) {      span.classList.add('slide')      } else {       span.classList.remove('slide')      } }) Now, in your CSS file, the "slide" class to be added will be styled together with the "switch" class already in...

On Learning toggling in JavaScript

They said that learning is fully understood when you either teach to other people. Or when you verbalize it. Basically, it forces your brain to be active about learning, and enunciating what you'd learnt properly And that's exactly what happened today as I'd been learning toggling So this is what I understand -  1. You have a button that you want to add an event listener to Let's call the function - menuIcon const menuIcon = document.querySelector('.menu-icon'); 2. After adding the event listener to the button, you create a function menuIcon.addEventListener('click', function ( ) {    *The function goes in here* } 3. This function role is to toggle between a class. 4. Preferably, you'd have 2 classes in place. Let's call them, "hide-links" and "show-links" 5. The " hide-links " is in the html file already and styled in the stylesheet. And for the most part, it's probably displaying " none " or " h...

On building JavaScript without help - 1

I know, I have not garnered the expertise YET That I'm very much, still a beginner in web development But it doesn't make me feel any less sad. Because when I follow along tutorials, I grasp what the instructor is doing. And I code along with them However, when push comes to shove (as it did this afternoon, I'm stuck) However, I'm not going to beat myself up, cos I actually succeeded in creating a toggle on the DOM And I'd been wrapping my head around how I did those.  Of course, I know this is a progress, and I tried. And I created something without following along instructions. I'm just recording this here, so I'd reminisce over how I'd felt. At how "slow" I'd felt at this point, this day. I still have a long way to go. But I console myself with the fact that 5 months ago, I didn't know what the hell "a variable" was I was unable to link my stylesheet cos I didn't know how to add a folder A month ago, I didn't know h...

On trying to deploy a website oj Netlify

 I wanted to publish my finished Sparkle Nigeria homepage with Netlify. And I was momentarily taken back to when I was planning to use Netlify app. I don't understand how it works, YET I'd downloaded a YouTube video, and was following along with the guy. Until it got to the deployment part. His worked. Mine didn't. I searched the error message, and what I was seeing at the support forum was gibberish to me. Go figure. However, I'm not beating myself up. It just means I'm training my brain. The same way I drop sweat and my body feels exerted after a full yoga work out, that's how my brain is feeling.  It's a process. And one that reiterates to me that I have to learn git this May - unfailingly

On Travels and once in a lifetime experiences

When people say - "you only live once, why not try dare devils when you visit new places Not me! No, noppity nope! 1. When I travel, I want to visit their museums, historical sites . I want to know their origin story. Get obsessed and imagine their way of life. Their culture. Their evolution. Their uniqueness. 2. I want to eat their food . Different foods. Push my taste buds. Can never go wrong with tasting food. 3. I want to visit their modern infrastructure. State of art architecture. Go for some concerts of the biggest stars. Or even, a local band concert, at some bar. Bask in the ambience of a small audience.  A road trip/hiking is an amazing experience  4. I want to interact with locals. Get a few penpals/acquaintances I'm not about to experience cliff-hanging, or high-lining (walk along a thin line on air) cos I wanna experience life. Achọghị m, biko I can make do with parasailing, snorkeling and skydiving (hooked to a guide), but that's the end of it.

On Remote Working

  Remote working is the future of majority of jobs. Of course, we still need physical meetings. They are important to brainstorm and all. But I forsee a 2 day work week, and other times remotely Emphasis on flexible work schedule. A dream for introverted folks like me. And also allowing us to travel, be with family, be present for the kids, and enjoy high income salary (without motigbeshona speakers yapping about Being your own boss) And also for the companies: saving cost of electricity, WiFi, etc.  A win-win in all situation How do you think Kuda and Standard Chartered bank afford free charges? It's cos they don't have to up 5 physical banks in Nigeria. It's remote, now and always 

On Opportunity Cost and finances

  Last month or so, my interest was in Behavioural evolution and Biology Now, I'm leaning towards Microeconomics. Talk about interdisciplinary student - innit 😂😂😂 But jokes apart, the professor said something that struck me. That one of most important concepts that businesses utilize is "Opportunity Cost" and this plays out predominantly during scarcity And I'm immediately drawn back to the first time I heard the term - "Opportunity Cost." It was in my senior secondary school - Economics class I'm reminded that opportunity cost is the backbone of my spending habits. From my JSS 2, when I mostly forfeited going to the tuck-shop (canteen), so I could save money for pictures. Opportunity cost is the guiding principle for my expenses. So when I budget to spend "A" for this month, and something springs up. I weigh both options - always. This is also where "wants" and "needs" play vital roles. I'd hardly buy a want, if th...

On Rachel Joy Denhollander and bravery

  I was watching Anatomy of a Scandal and remembered the most inspiring rape victim I've ever heard of Rachael Joy Denhollander. She was harassed by the National Women's gymnast physician. And she quit gymnastics. Went to law school. She came back 16 years later, and accused the physician of sexual assault.  And because of her, up to 200 gymnasts came forward stating their experience at his hands (including Simone Biles). During the trial and eventual conviction of the rapist guy, she gave the concluding statement as follows -  *"How much is a little girl worth? I plead with you (the judge) to impose the maximum sentence under the plea agreement because everything is what these survivors are worth. Thank you."* The rapist was eventually sentenced as follows -  Federal : 60 years in prison, lifetime of supervised release State (Ingham County) : 40 to 175 years in prison State (Eaton County) : 40 to 125 years in prison Not to playdown on victims who seek closure their ...

On turning 22

  I have a love-hate relationship with my birthdays Crazy? I know.  The excitement, enthusiasm and all - far from me.  That's why I never post - In Addy to me. Nor, post - *"I'm plus 1 today"* Left for me, I'd disappear offline. Turn off my phone. Sleep. Wake up. Eat bread. Sleep again. But that would be rude to my amazing friends who celebrate me yearly. *Why do I feel this way?* Probably cos I always set these milestones for myself. And when I'm not hitting them, and it's another year round the calendar, I feel like shit. Almost underperforming if I should use the word. Phew... 2022 - 22 years Mehn, nka na-abịa. Someone is aging, lmao Using this Snapchat old-age filter, because what is Chinenye, without a lirru weirdness Happy Birthday, Chinenye Anikwenze.


  THE THINGS NO ONE TELLS YOU ABOUT GRIEF It envelopes you like a cloud. Follows you like a shadow.  On the sunny days, it lurks but is invisible. But gloomy days, it rears its ugly head piercing where it hurts the most. You are okay. But you are NOT You start questioning what could have been... How different everything would have all been.  I truly deeply wish it was different.  Some days, I shed silent tears that my mother would never come for Ọmụgwọ for me Some days, I feel the loss so deep and count the missed experiences. Others days, you breathe and exist through it. Live. The years actually doesn't make it better . It's even as if you're more aware of fragile mortality as you age. Grief... A permanent company . Always around. Won't ever leave as long as the loss occurred. It's been 12 years , Mummy. Keep resting, ezigbo Nne m Gone but never forgotten🤍🤍

You are a hater

Notes from April 10, 2021  "No, you're not being a critic. You're just a hater... filled with bitterness and have no sense of purpose." 2017-2019... I was a hater. Of Cardi B. I had a pure white or black approach towards her. It's either I choose her or Nicki Minaj. I was following pop-culture back-to-back and riding on its high. Not anymore.  Why this sudden somber reflection? 2 days ago, Nicki and Cardi were trending again on Twitter. And the hate was spitting in both directions. I was as apathetic to it as I would "clubbing and hang-outs." Then just today, I browsed Beyonce on Facebook and these plebians were spewing hate on someone who is a hardworker and remains relevant in the music space for over 20 years. And I noticed a pattern. It's only bitterness and lack of purpose induce those behaviours. When you have nothing going on in your life, nothing that gives you life, that's why you're living vicariously through hating and spewing dust...

On Compare and despair

 Unpopular opinion (On July 29, 2021) We're so hung up on chasing the green paper that derision arise over those who haven't quite figured shit out Disclaimer - Money is not just important. It is very necessary. However, while it's cool and dandy to push entrepreneurship et " be your modafuckin boss " in people's faces, it would be wise to ring this bell... " Not everyone is cut out for that!"  Hello! As always, I'd use myself as example. I can't deal with buying and selling. Mba, I'm not cut out for it. I do not have the will, neither do I derive joy in taking orders, packaging and delivering them. So, while persons like me take on less than par brain gigs , or waddle through long hours of boring ahem , lectures to feature our brain work, this is just digging the muddy and unsexy foundation for future ambitions/goals that suit our desired lifestyle. Let's not forget, that most people haven't even figured their shit out. In fact, ...

Humans becoming robots

  Finally finished this A.I series by Google. I'm always in awe of tech, no kidding. But I'm also wary. Because the possible consequences of making a humanoid, may be an additional "R" to the Lgbtqiaa family. The "R" meaning Robosexual. We may even see Transrobotic (people who'd say they identify more as a robot than a human).  It's crazy. Humans playing God with creation. And with how this woman is going, and from what I've seen. She isn't going back on her quest, until she creates a real life version of a robot (with a possible mind of its own) It's exciting to see and hear the plans of these people. But crazy scary to think of the possible vices that could follow suit

Happy New year

 All I can say is - *Thank God for this past year.* I believe we've all gotten the memo as someone is getting old real quick. No one is living this life but ours. And it's getting blatantly clear how real shit is going to unfold.  We had late teens and early 20s to be confused about our ideologies. Questioned our upbringings and culture. Leaned on the extremist sides of our ideologies/faiths. Argued about feminism, religion, marriage. Cussed each other. Typed long grammar in defence and opposition. Lost friendships. Made friends. Living. Alive. Now, there is a balance, I think. Not from indoctrination but from an independence of thoughts and experience. And finding an equilibrium on our different stances. Disagreeing but respecting each other. Growth. Maturity. Real Adulthood. And honestly... Thank God for these experiences. Cheers to a new year, fam.