On Faith and hope

 I didn't want to talk about this yesterday cos it's kinda insensitive. Religion offers an incredible solace for man. I mean, imagine a world where your fate isn't predetermined.

And there's no one coming to save you ever. It's scary, rightfully. This is why a lot of us place hope on the supernatural. That God is looking out for you

But things like the Sunday massacre at Owo happen, and you're like - "Okay, is this scenario God's plan for those people to be martyrs or is it that God ain't interested in saving people on earth?"

You know, questions to actually understand your stance. Christians like to say - "Don't question God or his actions"

I call Bullshit. Cos I know I question my earthly father if I no understand wetin dey sup. So if God is our heavenly father, supposedly, shouldn't you be questioning him to clarify things for you?

For the most part, "you don't want to question God cos you fear he isn't going to respond. Or worse, you'd die and you're plunged to hell in the after-life"

Which brings me to - "The biggest fear is that of the unknown. Of death and what follows suit."

If science mistakenly provides evidence (or lacks evidence) of afterlife existence, that will literally shift our perception and the extent to which we trust/believe in a supreme being

Until then, I guess we'd hold onto hope, I guess.


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