Film review - Blood Sisters

Movies for me is primarily for entertainment. Not to poke for plot holes, or any other criticism.

Yes, there are movies that are Frankly horrible... Case in point - Chief Daddy 2 (coughs)

But I've decided that since I'm no longer learning screenwriting so I'm not about to be dissecting every scene

So even with chief daddy 2, I was entertained by Falz's character. 

The point of my writing is this - 

Blood sisters is a great film

It was on point.

The sound track, cinematography, sound effects, movie progression. The movie kept me on my toes to some extent.

Yes, I got bored and skipped the episode 4

The climax and resolution didn't quite do it for me

But I am honouring Nollywood for their efforts.

Go watch Blood sisters. A bloody amazing film


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