On Grasshopper app and getting stuck with a function exercise

Why ever did you second guess your ability, Chinenye?

You see, Learning is a journey.

After months of getting stuck with a function that accepts 2 parameters in Grasshopper app, I finally completed it yesterday

What was the difference?

My mind had become accustomed to what was required of me.

I wasn't then tryna place why a function should accept arguements, and whether the arguements are actually placeholders

My task now is simple - 

  • Decipher the logic
  • And do the code exercises using the hint

And for that, I'm immensely grateful for growth.

For learning.

And assimilation.

It's somewhat difficult for me at times (like the codebubb exercise I did today and was didn't know I should convert the string to array before proceeding

But like I always say -

The same way you didn't know how to add an image to your html file, same way you couldn't link your stylesheet and font awesome

Same way Variable didn't just make sense to you.

And now they all do make sense to you.

That's the same way you'll a coding goddess, Chinenye

