On personal branding and online presence

Once in a while, step back from your online presence and career path and evaluate if that's actually what you want to be doing

Especially the former.

Imagine someone like Shola whose entire messaging is almost leaning towards Incel movement suddenly doing an about turn to "Tech coach or affiliate marketer."

Or Ulxma, the feminist battle tested Uloma, suddenly being about soft-life and feminine energy

Doesn't correlate at all.

Not that it's not feasible to make such drastic change

But before you take online popularity seriously, envision who you wanna be in the future

I've visualised mine.

My whole online presence and personal brand brand has to be about the corporate world, and scaling businesses. Going for conferences. Events. Joining boards of startups among other business related ventures. C'est finis

Anyways, thank God for things like roadmap. Cos imagine I'd taken criticizing organized religion as my personal brand. God forbid


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