Roadmap to front end development

 The first month - Taking Introduction to computer science by Freecodecamp and Cs50

Warning - Yes, you'll feel dumb 90% of the time. You'd probably grasp one or two concepts. Then forget them the next day

Then start the first language of your choice. 

Code along with the teacher from the very first day


Because you'd be in motion. 

Your enthusiasm rises by doing. 

You may not know why they're using some concepts, might even seem gibberish to you.

Hell, you'd encounter several bugs.

My advise is "shut down the laptop" on those days.

Probably skip the project onto the next one but code along with them still.

After coding along, browse about the concepts individually

What this does is "it recalls your mind to the specific time you used the concept in your code"

Even though you may not know how it actually works

So, code along. 

Then watch the videos without coding along. Try and recreate some parts of the video

Remember, it's not necessary that you build everything from scratch yet

Rinse and Repeat the above for one month

Then, start building something very simple on your own - simple html and css webpage

And by your own, I mean with the aid of the internet.

Browse. Use Google. You should sleep on stack overflow, and the language documentation website

Watch more videos. Code along More.

When you find a teacher on YouTube that you enjoy and understand their teaching method, enroll for their course (if you can afford it)

Feel dumb some more

Feel bad

Feel downtrodden

Return back to coding along

Start JavaScript

Rinse and repeat the above

Code along

Learn concepts 

Code along

Return to concepts definitions

Code along projects

Interject JavaScript to your simple html and css pages


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