Fiction: A Jab at the Society
You are in your third year in the University. At 21, you are only getting to accepting being enlightened and questioning the demands and expectations of culture. You have only begun challenging the norms, stereotypes among others. Today is one of the days allotted for the cultural celebration in your village. It is expected that every woman, especially unmarried ones steer clear of the masquerade to which this day is dedicated to. The consequences varies from merely admonition, or downright thrashing of deviants. "This restriction is not for me," you think. "This is the opportunity for me to expose all of these unprogressive cultural practices. I have to do this, for the future generation not to be caught up with these" In addition to the above is that you are aware that those behind the masks were mere men, mundane mortals whose level of intellectual comprehension is at same level with plebians. You swear that you will not keep silent in the face of opp...