On America Murder: The family next door

One thing, you're 5 years into your marriage, always thankful that you have a family, own a house, have 2 beautiful kids, have a loving husband, pregnant with another child, and the next minute, you're dead with your kids. Your murderer you ask? The same husband you're grateful for everyday that you married. 

He is the best thing that happened to her. The family said "I couldn't have asked for a better man." He went to her colonoscopy cos of her lupus soon after meeting her. Their Facebook videos are them looking happy, him playing with the kids, doing house work with her together. The bottom line is, "he seemed like a genuinely good guy." 8 years of relationship later (5 of which they were married), he didn't want to be with her anymore. 

He claimed he had a discussion with his wife, Shannan Watt and he felt that the spark wasn't there. He is talking about separation and selling the house. House she built when she was single. Note that this is a pregnant woman. 

See in the above video he is saying - "I just want them back," but you're their murderer.

Khanyi Mbau was not lying a bit when she said "men will abandon you in the desert without water." What do you mean you killed your family over you did not feel any spark. You're already meeting a new woman and telling her you're in separation with your wife, and you've not even talked to her yet. Same wife that is 15 weeks pregnant with your kids. You just wanted to get rid of your old life and start afresh?

That's how deadbeats just abandon their old life and start from scratch. Same thing Serena Williams father did with his first family. Same thing John Lennon did with his first wife. Men just walk away.

This man lied during is polygraphic test on both cheating on his wife and killing his wife. Throughout the deposition and just general when his wife missing was reported, he never seemed worn with worry on the location of his two daughters.

The initial excuse he gave us that his wife smothered the kids, choked them both to death. So he now had to kill her. You're telling me you saw your wife killing the kids, you just stood there and watched her finish killing 2 of them, and you now manhandled her and got her to bed and choked her too? Like you didn't think to confess this immediately if you were really innocent and you decided to get rid of them and lie that your wife left you.

You even need to see the way he was confessing the supposed wife choking to his father (based off the camera in the deposition room), this man didn't sound horrified replaying the scene. 

Guess where this man dumped his kids? In a 20 feet tank at the site of his work. Where he buried his wife? In a very shallow grave out in a field. I think he wasn't able to climb the tank with the dead wife's body to throw her inside.

He didn't really get a chance to dispose of them properly cause her friends literally came to look for her in the morning because she wasn't answering her calls the day she came back from travel.

How this man actually killed his family?

1. He told his wife they should separate immediately after she came back from her trip

2. The wife told him "you're never going to see your kids again."

3. He told her he doesn't love her anymore

4. She told him to get off her

5. This man choked his wife there and then. She wasn't even able to fight it.

6. Their first child walks into the room and asks what's wrong with the mother lying face down. 

7. He carried his dead wife body into the car. And put his two daughters in the same car. The kids were holding each other in the back of the car sleeping while he drove for over an hour to the site he planned to dispose of them.

8. He put blanket over the second daughter's head. She didn't even struggle cos that's her dad. He threw her inside the tank.

9. The first daughter asked what happened to the younger one was, and he carried her too. And the poor girl was shouting "daddy no" and this man threw this first child into the same tank.

10. After disposing them, he called their school in the morning and said they were being unenrolled

11. Next, he called a realtor and said he was selling the house.

12. Then, he called his new girlfriend to confirm their future together.

And he was here saying, "he wants them to come back."

The heart of man is ridiculously wicked. So astoundingly wicked. I had chills watching this. What on earth is this wickedness. You buried your two daughters alive?

Like the prospector said, "If he wanted a new life, fucking get a divorce. Not annihilate them and dump them like garbage." His wife wasn't even fighting him when he said he didn't love her anymore. 

That's how this other documentary I watched last year, this old money French man killed his family - wife, kids and buried them under their stairs. Like he literally called his kids back from college, and killed them. Poisoned them, and shot them while they were asleep. People thought we wanted to do homicide and suicide. He eventually escaped and he has still not been found till date.

Another documentary I watched this week (Murdaugh Murders: A Southern Scandal), this man shot his wife and younger son. He still hasn't confessed to why he did it. 100 years of family legacy down the drain because of some man.

Statistics have shown over and over that women are more likely to be killed by those closest to them (lovers, family, friends, acquaintances) than be killed by strangers. In America, 3 women are killed everyday by partners. I shudder to think of the Nigeria statistics.  


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