On cooking

In this whole cooking matter, the only things I'll say is:

I've woken up by 4am (several times) to cook beans for my younger siblings to take to school. And I hated every second of that alarm ringing and me trudging to the kitchen to make their lunch for school. But I didn't have the luxury not to be up that early to prep meals.

Same with the Mummy Zee woman. Her intent tho was that she didn't want another woman who brings lunch to snatch her husband. Good for her for taking the steps she deems fit to claim her man and save her marriage. She was a stay at home mother before the benevolence of twitter people. She didn't have a fridge beforehand. That could also explain the need to wake up that early daily.

You could even argue that it's jealousy streak that made her want to covet her man. When kdrama actors do it, it's romantic. When a Nigerian woman does it, it's suffering in marriage by feminists? I don't blame the feminists for jumping to that conclusion. Cos let's face it, romantic drama is not real life. And we know many women are not waking that early cos they like it. 

Yes, the feminists that shamed her for having a broke husband and still cooking for him are elitists which spurred the obiebere-ness of Nigerians to stick it to twitter feminists and dash her money. All in all, it's a win for Mummy Zee and her spouse. Also massive ROI for the brands that hopped onto the trend to advertise their company. It's business as usual, not that they care particularly about someone who is impoverished.

Whatever you might say about feminism and why they're talking about seemingly mundane issues, cooking remains a huge part of the movement. It's like telling black American women to stop talking about afro hair in the workplace that it's inconsequential. It's not. That's why they have the CROWN act over there.

In cooking, it's not inconsequential in this part of the world. Women have died from their partners' hand cos of cooking. So it becomes a question of "are you cooking for him at so and so time cos you want to? Or cos you fear the consequences of what would ensue if you don't do it?"

In Mummy Zee's case, it's former cos she obviously adores her husband. Twitter FBI also dug up tweets of her husband praising her way back in various tweets. So this is a clear case of "love winning" much less about "someone suffering in her marriage."

I still won't use this case to be like "fuck twitter feminists" cos I support their rights and acknowledge their wrongs. You won't have me say "nah, I tụfịakwa these twitter feminists. They are bitter and extreme." Yes, they should be extreme. They should have misandrists among them. They should have radical raving angry feminists spearholding the movement. Even the bible said "The violence taketh it by force." In any case, Love won in this situation. And good for her.

I just hate that we are in a country where 2 graduates were living in penury because the country doesn't work. It would be easy for Patriarchy FC to gloat that "Mummy Zee" won gifts that are over 20 million at this point. But look around you. Feminists are not the problem. We are poor. Multidimensionally poor in this Nigeria. The percentage of this happening to another virtuous woman is close to zero if not null.

You can out-donate bad government. You can't out-donate systemic institutions that keep us poor. It's just not possible.


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