Notions (Homebody)

I am a homebody. In other words, I am always glued to the house. My neighbours at home never know when I come back cos I will never just come out from our gate unless it's to buy something and after that, straight back into the house. You'd think I was Rapunzel or something.

You see that thing called hangout, amarọ dị m the joy it gives. And while I'd indulge once in awhile after much persuasion, I either procrastinate the plan I made, or have a serious aftermath headache anytime I acquiesce to just hangout. I'm very much comfortable indoors.

That's why it's alien to me when I see people post on their status, "I'm bored" or "Who is free? Let's hang out." 


Na-ebe kwanụ? 

I don't even know what bored is. Especially when I have internet access in my phone. Even if I don't, as long as I haven't finished reading all my ebooks, the feeling is faraway from me. It just never crosses my mind to just "hangout", never had, probably never will.

And nope, it wasn't cos I had an troublesome experience, my childhood was same. I'd rather play ludo, whot, or even sleep than go play sand with other kids. Then, my sister and I would formulate games with "whot" and nokia phone packs, playing family with them. 

The only times I remember playing sand were with my sister, in the comfort of our house. In other cases where I eventually play with my agemates, I'd always trudge behind my elder sister.

My primary school was not left out. Lunch breaks when others are skipping or doing stuffs, I'm busy solving assignments or tryna copy notes in advance from the teacher. 

No wonder I hardly remember my classmates from Primary school cos I never really engaged with many people then.

In my secondary school days, I'd dread holidays when my older sisters would send me on errand to 'God forbid', main market or 3-3 Junction market to buy anything. I'd grumble all through my journey.

Like, I'm serious y'all, I can basically stay indoors for a full year without leaving my house and I won't feel anything. Just leave me with basic necessities (food and water), then add internet and books, I'd be rolling on the floor in gratefulness.

That's why I always pray to be busy, very busy as an adult, so I can be wakaing upandan, maka ọ bụrụ sọ sọ mụ, 'Ọ nweghị dị ebe m ji azụ eje"
I'd probably make a good hermit nnor.

Unless, it's a duty, obligation or job that is  required of me where I'll probably be the first you'd see present. That is because I know that the place I'm heading to is scheduled within a time-frame. Infact, I'd check if there's anyway the meeting can be scheduled online. 

I remember the groups I've always been grouped into in my first and second years, even now. I'd always conduct all the meetings online, every single one of them cos frankly, I even feel it's more efficient than waiting for students to assemble before an agenda is achieved.

I just don't know how to go out, just because of going out. My father would always offer that I follow him to events, and yeah, I always decline. He will now be like, "Ọ bụrụ na ịnaghị apụ apụ, kedụ zi ka Ị ga-esi hụụ mmadụ?" I'll be like, "when we reach that bridge, we'll cross it"

That's why I'm grateful for the social media, cos that's basically my social life.

And while these people that are social buddies are grumbling for the restriction of movements, I'm here dancing and gallivanting cos it means, no outdoor activity!

What more can a homebody ask for?

Meanwhile, let's stay safe during this pandemic. We've never had anything like this before and phew, it sure is scary.


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