Notions (Girly compliment)

If there's anything better than getting compliments from the opposite gender, it's getting one from your gender. With guys, you're like, "This one is just shooting shots at you"(they might be genuine but you get my drift)

See me, after wakaing upandan after our seminar, and walking tirelessly, the girl I saw on the stairs muttered something

I wasn't sure I heard her correctly, and said "what?"
She repeated it, "that I look good"

Aah, I was reinvigorated, even smiled as in the picture, cos girls don't particularly compliment themselves. What they look at is, "How the cloth you're wearing or make-up you applied would look on them". So there...

I went back to the mirror to check, and yo, "I did look nice with my tired face" I want to give the credit to my "Shea-Butter, Honey, olive oil and Vitamin E jelly" for making me glisten notwithstanding this horrid Nsukka weather.

And of course, my roomie, *'Amaka'* for telling me about the attributes of Honey.
Pity I didn't take a full picture today😁😁

Lemme just drop a selfie for y'all


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