
Showing posts from August, 2024

On Femicide

  I pray never to embarrass my ancestors like this. Femicide is a subset of homicide. Homicide is basically killing another person. Femicide is killing a woman because she is a woman and is the highest direct consequence of misogyny. That's what the likes of Ted Bundy did, as was that Kenyan man. Androcide is the killing of men/boys based on his gender. It's what Jeffery Dahmer did to his victims.  Infanticide is killing of children on the basis of them being kids. Like the killing of twins. Also with the China case of one child's family. But china also leans more towards femicide in the infanticide cos they mostly terminated the female children. So still femicide etched in the infanticide. Femicide is more commonly known because obviously the world we live in. Femicide is the highest outcome of misogyny, but you don't hear about androcide cos misandrists don't go crazy like men do with misogyny. There is a whole list of words for all types of killings and they all

On American Murder: Laci Peterson

  This man told his wife he didn't want kids. Yet, he was doting on his girlfriend's kid from a different man. He strangled his 8 month pregnant wife and dumped her in the sea. Before the murder, he didn't agree to the party his heavily pregnant wife is supposed to host to go to a holiday party with this new girlfriend. This is an annual party their family used to organise yearly. He told this mistress he was single initially. Eventually, he told her his wife is dead. His very 8 month pregnant alive wife. And the day he said he lost his wife, that was the same day he bought the boat he eventually disposed his wife and unborn son with. Note, he'd been married to his wife for 5 years at this point and again, everyone thought he was a wonderful man - the wife included. The girlfriend was eventually the one that even exposed his other life to the public. Cos prior to her calling the police, he was perceived as a responsible man. So no, these conversations of men absconding

On Untold: The murder of Air McNair

  NFL Great quarterback, successful Career, beautiful wife of over a decade, 2 healthy kids. And yet he lost his life cos he was fooling around with his mistress. This mistress was 16 years his junior. What the police concluded after investigation was that he wanted to break up with the girl (cos he even had additional girlfriends by the side), so the girl shot him 4 times and shot herself too.  I tried to feel sorry for him but I just couldn't find it in me. What a waste

On SirDavis by Beyoncé

Starting a whisky brand really does fit Beyonce. It's like that relaxation with a shot after a long tiring day. Or gathering with peers. Or being on a formal or even social outing. Beyonce, herself is a social drinker and prior to her launching this, it never really occurred to me how much she has referenced alcohol in her songs. Just off the top of my head, I have placed these lyrics from different songs - "Yonce up on his mouth like liquor" "Cigars on ice, cigars on ice" "Bottle in my hand, the whiskey up high" "Davis in my bones" "I've been drinkin', I've been drinkin', I get filthy when that liquor gets into me" "Sippin' my favorite alcohol (Alcohol), Got me so lit, I need Tylenol" "Me and my ladies sip my D'USSÉ cup (sorry, I ain't sorry)" And I'm sure there would be more if I do more research. So, this totally fits her. The brand gives off opulence, relaxation, luxury, wealth

On Love is Blind: UK (2)

Disclaimer - I'm talking based on my perception of him on TV. This is very subject to change in light of new information. With that said, Freddie is the sweetest guy to have come out from Love is Blind. And he has the most beautiful smile, it literally lights up his eyes. So it was quite sad to see that light ebbed from his eyes in subsequent episodes cos of one girl. He is a full package - he has his own beautiful beautiful house, dresses well, is successful, takes care of his special needs brother, is close with his family, and he is not even arrogant. So I'm wary that they didn't show us everything. Now, he is not without fault - he did confess to cheating almost a decade ago. That's not the worst thing I imagined to be his toxicity especially considering his looks at that... Undoubtedly, UK season is peak reality TV. I absolutely enjoyed this season. There was only one shitty character, and it's a he. But Best season by far and the gap is not even close. And

On Movies and different audience

When I was watching Mad Men, I just couldn't relate to it. But everyone especially those in their 30s and 40s swear it's one of the best drama ever. So I decided to quit it, and I'll go back to watch it in my 30s. Same with this sex and the city and Desperate Housewives. At this my age, I'm not the target audience. When I started Grey's anatomy, I totally loved it immediately. Loved it even more than House M.D even though House is objectively the better medical drama. I think it's mostly cos Meredith started as an intern and even though it's different fields, the internship experience is similar across the board. The point here is just there are movies that aren't enjoyable to you cos it doesn't speak to you, or you're not at the level to understand the nuances of the characters.

On Finding book recommendations

Again, the best place to get book recommendations remains goodreads. But to be very specific, check people's tags. I finished a book and read a review that caught my attention so I decided to check out the person's page. And she has a shit load of specific tags depending on the trope. And in this "would reread a million times" tag, I found like 2 books that were also in my "absolute-favourites" tag. That just tells me we have a similar taste.  So I've added all her books to my to read as well. That's how I find book recommendations. This Goodreads and reddit

On Love is Blind: UK

When they opened the door for Freddie and the girl, she could not believe her eyes. She started crying immediately. Like she couldn't believe it. She was so shocked like "are UK people actually this stunning." I've seen a pink flag for Freddie though. His IG is prominently thirst trap pictures. I mean objectively, he is really really stunning, it's crazy. But his IG gives the player's energy or he might even be gay. Cos gay men are really more attracted to guys with huge muscles so if a man posts muscles/seductive pictures when he is not a model or a gym instructor, he is likely targeting a gay demographic. I'm not even lying, his older posts have men commenting "hot 🥵" and like. I'd hate to be spreading rumours about a genuinely good guy's name like this but you can never be too careful. Love is Blind UK is definitely the best for me. And I'm saying this as someone whose favourite couple is still Brett and Tiffany from Love is Blind

On Conversations with a killer: The Jeffery Dahmer tapes

When the Jeffery Dahmer adaptation was released, I just couldn't get into the series. I felt they were tryna humanise him. I prefer documentaries when it comes to crime.  Jeffery really said, "I want to know why I am the way I am." He understood that what he was doing was wrong. In his last statement to court he said "he didn't know if he was sick, evil or both. That he is sorry and hopes prison gives him the peace he has been seeking for through the murders." In a way, you can understand that Jeffery Dahmer was the way he is. He just didn't have empathy, but he owned up to his crimes. He had self awareness, but he just didn't understand why he had this warped sexual drive. He said it emanated from the feeling of loneliness and his inability to find something in life to give him happiness, peace and fulfilment. He was fully cooperative with the police, provided a very detailed description of all his victims during his investigation. Watching this ma

On Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez

Netflix is recommending this documentary to me again. I always feel sorry for this dude whenever I remember him. He was a successful football player with so much potential. He is gay, so much so he hated that himself. Like he'd messed around with his best friend in high school. Continued denying that part of him cos in his mind macho men aren't supposed to be gay. Eventually started doing drugs. Later on, killed some people cos he wasn't controlling his anger. The person he was even indicted for was a colleague in the game. I believe the guy discovered he was bisexual, so Aaron was scared he was going to be outed. And when he finally got incarcerated, he eventually embraced his gayness and got himself a twink boyfriend in jail. But I don't think he ever got over his internalised homophobia. He later ended his life in jail. Quite a sad story. To think he was so good, he helped aid his team to participate in the Super bowl. Very very sad

On America Murder: The family next door

One thing, you're 5 years into your marriage, always thankful that you have a family, own a house, have 2 beautiful kids, have a loving husband, pregnant with another child, and the next minute, you're dead with your kids. Your murderer you ask? The same husband you're grateful for everyday that you married.  He is the best thing that happened to her. The family said "I couldn't have asked for a better man." He went to her colonoscopy cos of her lupus soon after meeting her. Their Facebook videos are them looking happy, him playing with the kids, doing house work with her together. The bottom line is, "he seemed like a genuinely good guy." 8 years of relationship later (5 of which they were married), he didn't want to be with her anymore.  He claimed he had a discussion with his wife, Shannan Watt and he felt that the spark wasn't there. He is talking about separation and selling the house. House she built when she was single. Note that this

On Conversations with a killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes

  Just before he died, Ted Bundy (one of the worst serial killers in America), held on to the scripture, did some prayers before his execution in 1989. This man was responsible for the rape, execution, mutilation and necrophilia (sex with dead people who he killed btw), of over 30 young women. His stated reason? He just had the urge and a voice in his head telling him to kill those reasons. The more logical reason, he had self esteem issues, fell in love with a beautiful woman who later broke up with him, and he was now seeking revenge killing young attractive women  His killings aren't the point of the status, you're telling me as he had fully repented just before his final execution like this, him don go heaven like so. Like that thief on the cross with Jesus.  And according to the Christian faith, some of the women he killed will be in the same heaven as him. And those who didn't get a chance to repent before he brutally maimed them will find themselves in hell? 

On Sprint

  This docuseries was entertaining as hell to watch. Wow, I just remembered why track and field was my favourite sport (before gymnastics came and took over). This was really absolutely entertaining to watch. What I noticed is that these athletes literally have fun running for their lives. Like that over seriousness that's in other sports, e no dey here at all. From their coaches, to even the previous sprinters, every scene of them just revealed that they just loved running for their lives. Their only enemies were just time.  Like that whole in-depth strategy on the technical shot or routing to do X and Y, nehi nehi. The only strategy is to get in the mind of your competitors to doubt themselves, so you can race against their time. Absolutely brilliant, totally enjoyable to watch.  P.S - Noah Lyles is totally insufferable but he does has the skills to back it up

On Athlete A

Phew, this one was hard to watch.  This documentary goes in-depth on how much these gymnasts were abused during the cold war as children. One of the earlier US competitors said the Eastern bloc gymnasts always looked scared, robotic and they didn't seem happy ever And if you watch older videos, they really do look scared. Why won't they. These are literally kids. They put 14 year olds through gruesome gymnast routines. In their minds, the tinier you are, the more flexible you are to do routines. But the bane of the above is that you're cultivating a environment toxic environment. You have total control of most hours of the day for these kids. They are physically, emotionally and verbally abused every day. One of the most toxic coaches would literally have them on scale to measure their weight every day. Jamie Dantzscher even said that after she fell sick and lost 6 pounds, the coach literally told her "you have to maintain that weight." What this means is that thi