Notions (Music)

Music holds such a huge part of our lives. So I was seated in the theatre for a GS class, and this petite girl waltzed to the podium. At first, I wondered if she was a lecturer, alas she started talking about the Church.

People began murmuring, probably as it was a few minutes before the class would have commenced. However, she wasn't deterred in the least. Suddenly, she began singing, "We are Grateful"

Suddenly, almost everyone was responding in unison. The melody was something you would not have expected of over hundreds of students stuffed together in a theatre. That was a wonderful experience.

As for me, I was busy observing and thought of penning down what was going on... I should add that people's attention went away immediately when the music ended and the young girl started preaching. More murmuring ensued... and well, that's it.


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