My Birthday (Throwback)
If there are things I'm reminiscing over the past few years, it's how much I've grown. After reading "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a fuck", my views have narrowed a huge way: From giving fucks about basically everything and every ideology to curbing it quite a bit, even down to totally ignoring the things I would have given fucks about.
Maybe cos I don't want to waste time arguing to my favour, or also Dale Carnegie's advice in his work, "That arguments doesn't change people's views but rather puts them in a defensive position, to defend what they believe in". It's true, we all want to be right, but I've learnt, still learning that I ain't right. That my intuition of being right doesn't make the other person any less wrong.
I've also come to the realization that I've gone from seeking validation or acting like the majority sucks. I remember when I switched my typing in long form to short form just because many were doing it. Infact, in 2016, I wrote a beautiful message for my brother on Facebook and I had to change some of the words to be in short form. Why? Jah help me, I don't know. Maybe to be cool or stuff
Also, that "am" and "I'm" mistake. I had always known the difference but I was continuously using "am" because, well majority were using it. God knows, even though we want to think that we are not influenced by peers or social media, it happens subtly without us even knowing.
I've changed completely from thinking of toning down my words to saying it exactly as I mean it. I've gone from deleting and retyping my replies so it wouldn't seem rude or esoteric to leaving it for the recipient to Interpreting it however he or she may.
I've gone from fear of my notions and vastly different opinions on issues to saying fuck what anybody thinks of it. I've gone from feeling guilty if I'm ever blunt, to not giving fucks about it.
The truth is that this thing called "Guilty Conscience" is just an illusion. I realized that a few months ago, that's why Yahoo guys will do shit and armed robbers will kill without feeling guilty or fearing karma. Infact, said karma doesn't really happen to the guilty ones.
Anyways, I've grown. Most of my eye opening was at the time I stayed back at home without admission, some of them was after Interaction at the uni, and some were from social media(Facebook). I'm growing, In a rephrasal of the words of Michelle Obama, "I'm becoming and I'm loving every part of it"
Happy Birthday to me and thank y'all for your remembrance of my day. Love you loads
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