Notions (Wi-Fi)
We don't know what we have until we lose it. I had written something down on this particular issue, and that had been a depressing stuff. However, the one I'm emphasising on today is actually more stupid than sad, although I'm very sad about it. From my first year, I had prided myself in it having subscribed a monthly data plan by myself while school is in session. It's not difficult to guess the reason for my boasting, WI-FI, my very own "Lionet WiFi". Then, YouTube and Instagram was my second home. I dallied a bit on WhatsApp and Facebook, but my base was YouTube. I knew the latest songs that were released, the trending ones and the views each was getting. It went as far as checking the comments in each video. This girl didn't know that my WiFi will be stripped from me without warning. It was like the Biblical saying of Jesus coming like a thief at night, I guess the WiFi stopped working at night. I am not too sure. My very own WiFi. I was downloadin...