Notions iv
As we are celebrating a new month, I'd like to express my feelings. I am angry, so fucking angry at the condition the society has relegated the female sex. I went to a ministry on Tuesday(not intentionally of course) and the prophet was spewing ministrations. I didn't get one, infact I have never been given any message or vision in church based on holy spirit message.
Anyways, 90% of young girls got prophecy of marriage and 80% of the 90% were to a supposed abroad-based men. Even a girl of not up to 12, yeah you read that right. Her guardian was told that she would be married to a man who will come from abroad before she turns 20. 7% of the women were given prophecy for their brothers' progress in terms of travelling out, etc.
The married women were not left out. They got messages of new babies(as par baby producing machines), yes even those with four children already were given prophecy of more. Lol... Others were told that their husbands would buy cars, plot of land or that the brother is traveling abroad. Only of the women received message about her workplace and I guess that's because she is a doctor. The whole ministration shook me with rage.
So yes, I am angry that a woman's worth is reduced to marriage and childbearing. These women do not know that there are other opportunities in the world to explore. They are not aware that the society can do no shit apart from tongue wagging. The other day, my set mate from secondary school said something about being '18 and people are already telling you when you will be tied down and I replied her that "she should take charge of her destiny. She should not allow anybody to dictate shit for her especially in marriage as they won't live with you when you are tied down"
Now, back to my story. The male counterparts were given visions of going abroad and buying cars or land. I was so amused at the absurdly of same messages to almost everyone. A young boy of not up to 10 was told that he would be a medical doctor and the female child was told that she'd be married off, just like that. I turned to look at he girl, her face was so contorted when she was told that. I could feel how uncomfortable she felt at the thought of marriage at such a young age and I laughed so fucking hard that I had to cover it up with laughter.
You see why I said religion is a control tool. Soon, the guardian of the girl will start hoping that a man will come miraculously when she gets to that age. What if she wants to study more or travel out? On the part of the boy, what if he wants to do arts when he gets to secondary school? Surely, the mom must have had hopes of being called 'Doctors mom's and if she pushes him to science and he starts flunking and fall into depression, what next? What of the women who were told of getting overseas husbands, what of men told that they would buy lands and cars?
These are just few instances out of many. All these happened under a day, who knows what goes on other times? I don't need defence on how your church is different, I can counter your argument anytime you bring it up. Holla
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