
Showing posts from February, 2020

Notions(A glimpse)

Yesterday... "Good morning", my first reaction was, "Aah, this one someone is greeting me. It's not even as if I was looking 'peng'. I replied without glancing back, I was hastening my steps cos I was already running late to school. "Can you take me to Pol Science?" It was at this time that I turned back to look at the person extending greetings. I've never accompained anyone before, noone had ever told me to aid them, neither have I offered to. It was a first for me and I was hoping that I don't mess this up. After a few steps, the girl asked me the colour of her outfit. I tried to be descriptive cos really, I didn't exactly know the colours so I went all, "very light purple top" and "light grey/ash skirt" "Is it a good combination?" She asked me again. "Ehe naa", I replied. I went on, "It's a fitted top, it's not as if it's a big top. Ọ dị mma, it looks good on you" She was ...

Notions (Igbotic)

I've been waiting forever for a trigger to make a post like this. When I got to school today, Victor called me an "Igbotic girl". Mayhaps, just mayhaps he was joking as he said, but at the time, the tune he used was tilting towards, "Cos I speak asụsụ Igbo a lot and type also in Igbo" so he decided to term me "Igbotic" Here's the thing, the word 'Igbotic' is not supposed to be a demeaning word but in the usage that Nigerians have made it out to be, it is attributed to a person that speaks with an Igbo accent or speaks too much Igbo, as though it is something that we should be ashamed of. Now first of all, A bụ m nwaafọ Igbo. I was born and brought up with Igbo language. Till now, I find it awkward as hell to try to speak English with my family. Infact, if I've not spoken Igbo to you, then we've not even begun to chat  Apart from the fact that Igbo on its own is a language, not a dialect as some people confuse. It holds as much signi...

Notions (On 20)

Fuck! So I had to start with a cuss word. 2.0. It's scary y'all I give off a demeanor of "ready to take on the world, goals, visions and stuffs". I look ever serious, tough, no bullshit and already penned down plans for the world. But that's not exactly true! So how do I feel? Old! Really old! I just want to go back to primary school. I'm sure what most people expect to see is "I love the lady I am becoming, the time of getting into the 20s" but all I can feel and see is, "You're getting older this girl. What have you got to show for it. You'd be out of this somewhat solace in a year, and you have what?" At the beginning of this year, I was so excited. I'd even told my siblings that I must take studio pictures to commemorate my joining the 20s club. A few days down the January lane, I was on a low, confused, lost, downtrodden, bitter, angry, sad, adrift among other things. I lacked direction, focus, and plain ass tired of the Ni...