Notions (Nigeria)
I weep! I read a post on Facebook about the experiences of Nigerians abroad, and the circumstances that they are forced to resort to just to get permanent residence or asylum from a foreign country. So Apparently, from the post, the affected guy had to resort to pretending to be gay and undergoing test in form of having sexual relations with a man from there, so as to prove that indeed he wasn't lying. The partner that he had claimed previously, had decided not to go through same process and was forced to return to Nigeria whilst he was able to get his papers. Not only is the above situation appalling but also the fact that Nigerians are forced to act unlike themselves because they are not safe in their country. There is no hope for them and probably, they are in search for opportunities so as to feed their families. Most times I wonder how and why we got to this extent. I weep, so hard for my country. As cliché as it sounds, the future seems bleak no matter how someone looks ...