
Showing posts from July, 2021

Is money really all that in your 20s

  While we're in the pursuit to enjoin people to find their career & make money (which is a necessity btw), we shouldn't begrudge others who are much slower on that journey. By that I mean, some people who don't have any idea of what they'd want to do with their lives. And while it's easy for me to say - ohh, learn Copywriting, learn web design and app development, , some people haven't quite found their passion yet. Plus, those of us who've found something now, might switch tomorrow. Who knows where this life leads, right? So, all these make money is huge pressure, that people don't need. Especially in this age of social media and sharing our wins. Always ever about the wins, lol.  But we forget that life isn't a race for all. The end game for each person would be distinct. Sure, it is cute to be in your 20s and be multi-millionairing. However, the fact is that majority who are self-made never fully emerge until their 30s and 40s. Most ...

4 weirdest people in exam halls

 It's been a wild ride since the beginning of this year. But it had all just culminated to the last exams... I'll never understand these peeps inside the exam hall: 1. Those who feel entitled. Those dunderheads who scream *"there is no competition in academics so you must respond to me."* I know, goat. That's why you should be comfortable with the lack of competition for failure 2. Those who, when told points expect to be dictated the full story. Like, I should leave what I'm writing and read out for you... You smoke shit or something? 3. You've never spoken to me outside the exam hall and you're beckoning on me to answer you... Lmao, let's keep the same ole energy everywhere. 4. The reason you don't talk to me outside is cos I'm too serious and unfriendly... My energy doesn't attract such commardiere outside... Might as well repel you inside the hall, Fowl! Look, I get that Nigeria education is not the best but I detest the stupi...