
Showing posts from 2021

How was 2021?

I really want to thank God for 2021. It went really well for me - actually. And I'm not even talking about finances. Personal -development, self-awareness, Growth and Maturity. What started as a shaky year turned out to being an awesome year for me. Of course, I cried more for prospecting as well. But you know what they say about tears being Carthasis - a purgation of emotions. Spiritually, it wasn't that bad - I'd say. I even went to church 2 good times in 2021. And even though I didn't exactly do yoga this year, I had a lot of mental introspection. Which is as spiritual as anything. Moving on -  I don't have many goals for 2022. I actually have only 3 realistic goals for the whole year: in the world of copywriting, the world of technology and personal development. And the goals ain't even goals per-se but steps, processes and plans. Thank you Jesus for 2021. Onwards to 2022.

Took so long

 It took me a while to come to this realisation I can criticise orthodox Christianity while enjoying gospel music. I can decide not to be religious, but groove to music You know why? Because music is transcendental. Same way you enjoy secular music as a Christian. Same way I'd enjoy an artist music without necessarily liking them as a person There is legit no black and white in matters of ideologies, faith, etc Most things are in the grey

What is Success to me 2021?

 What is success for me? Disclaimer - Money amounts to success. However, more than that... It is *seeing where I was and where I am now* It is... Reading a post on a news article and saying, I will be published there in a year... Then making it happen 6 months later  It is cold-pitching a prospect for a proposal, and getting a job offer in return just because he could not get over the persuasive proposal. It's starting small, but being aware of each step of the journey. The long game (every single time) It is "knowing that I can always change my path" when something else calls unto me It is "being content with what I have, but working towards having more" It is self-awareness, knowing there will be *shit* days and living through those shit days It is knowing there are times when I will slack, but being strong enough to pick up from where I'd fallen It is growing.  That's what success is for me

When a comparison goes wrong

 This is supposed to be cruise and poke fun but it's problematic to have dunderheads posting this shit. There is something inherently stupid about this comparison. 1. I am dependent on my father. He provides me with food and shelter. It'd be stupid to start fighting equality. Doesn't make sense. So stupid Comparing this to a marriage is projecting that relationship to being a surbordinate rather than a partner. For my future spouse - I'm not going to be dependent on you. We will be in a relationship. Simple. In no universe will I slave away what I did yesterday in the name of marriage. God won't even allow it. I'm still recuperating from yesterday's chores. It's not funny. So it's either the two of us enter that kitchen and be tired at the end of the day together. Or, we save ourselves the energy and order a pot of food. Simple. Stop using daft analogies to poke fun at 3rd wave feminism. You can do better.

Lagertha vs Aslaug

  Sorry I'm late to the Vikings party oo. I really apologize. But the biggest joke is Aslaug getting worked up/feeling insulted because Ragnar flirted with a slave girl. Yet she knowingly slept with another woman's husband. A Clown 🤡 Stupid one for that matter. If I ever lived in the middle ages, I'll choose over and over to be a Lagertha. And I say... A thousand times over. Sure, great for your destiny in life to be a breeder. But better respect to a woman who walked away from insult and humiliation amidst the wealth and love... To kill a man who attempted to rape her... To stab an abusive husband... To kill a partner who tried to usurp her... Hell, even in this 21st century, anyone with Lagertha's spirit is a winner.

Film Review: Fine wine

  Whe n you see veterans in the news, you realise that Nollywood is poor. The industry is purely privatised.  During my research on other countries' film industries, I discovered some like India and even South Korean governments, gave subsidies to their film industry Guess what happens with Nigeria? Nothing, of course. So those actors we saw then had fame, but not money. Every single movie you see today is funded by producers themselves. And they need to recoup their profits - it's not charity yunno. So yes, I will criticise exaggerations or movies that blatantly has loopholes and everything in-between, but I respect Nollywood. The journey to its becoming. And if the movie is Awesome, I will hype it forever. On that note, I introduce Fine Wine to you. Definitely watch this. By RMD himself - the sugar daddy of all Sugar Daddies. Support Nollywood by Watching Fine Wine. You'll definitely love it.

Am I being a bad friend?

  Case-in-point Small Business Owners . Because this shit always happens with Small Business owners. We are in our early 20s. I'm still figuring out my shit, the same way you're figuring yours out. I don't have connections because I'm still 21, waddafuq That I wasn't there when you're having personal issues. Have you seen me break down because my outreach is not going well? Have you sent me the clients I need as well? That I don't support your small business? That's because it's not a need for me. It's a want. And with my budget, I can't indulge wants. That's on it - period. And if that makes me a bad friend, you should know by now... I don't fucking care. So maybe next few years/decades when I'm established and I don't help you with either my resources or my network, you can call me a bad Friend then. Good morning.

Ambrosia 101

Different opinions when Ini Edo said she did surrogacy with donor from a sperm bank Nigerian women: 1. If I have the money, I'll totally do it 2. Is my body thinking what I'm thinking 3. For sure, no be me go carry belle 4. I'm so happy women are considering other birth options 5. Any good surrogacy places in Nigeria, please tag me... I want to do one Nigerian Men - 1. She is so selfish - didn't think of her daughter's emotions 2. Who will now collect her brideprice? 3. What if the donor comes to ask for the child 4. Still she can never understand the joy of giving birth by yourself 5. Women, God gave you vagina to use it and born baby, not just for sex. Make una use it and born, e get why Me: 😄😄😄😄 Emasculated male tears. How I love to see it🥱🥱🥱 It's the best ambrosia 😎😎😎

Why are the rich buying ridiculously expensive Hermes bags?

  Are you fuming at the collection? Yeah, me too. I mean... The cost of these bags could be utilised for better investment right? WRONG!  Two hard facts 1. Hermes is an exclusive luxury bag. She can always sell it even higher than the selling price. Hell, Hermes worth has grown to 500% since 2017. Plus... These rich have businesses that may go bankrupt. Or some corporate espionage may occur and they lose all their assets. Guess what will keep them afloat? Yup, $2 million worth of Hermes bags That's also why they also buy ugly artwork for $6 million at auctions. They aren't stupid. 2. It is their money and these luxury items brings them fulfilment (I'd say). Reiterates to them that they can afford it. Vain? But who cares... We only get one life anyways. Another sad detriment of capitalism. The gap between the rich and poor continues to widen. Don't hate the player... Hate the game So while I may not be comfortable hoarding such items, it's actually intelligent to do ...

Where is technology heading in the future

 Move with the tide 20 years ago, the major technical skill required to be employed was typing speed... How fast can you type a computer From 10 years ago till now, the major technical skill shifted towards Google Suites/Microsoft Office. Now, we are moving onto a metaverse, augmented reality, And it's only normal that these programming skills will be required in the near future. My point - Move with the tide. If Blockchain tech, metaverse is the reigning thing we're seeing now, it's won't be shocking if the knowledge of these programming languages will be required in the near future. Try learning about quietly by the side before train will leave you

Don't be an Iroko Tree

 It's great to have staunch beliefs. But it becomes truly problematic when you're unflinchingly unbendable with the rules. Unshakable. No evaluation of "supposed" principles. Resistance. Stubbornness. No evolution. Nothing. Like an Iroko tree. Of course, being an Iroko isn't too bad. But mostly, it's better to be a willow tree that has extremely strong and developed roots. Yet, has flexible branches and leaves that sheds its leaves across seasons. Evolving. Letting go. Changing. Growing. Becoming. But remaining true to oneself at the core. We should all strive to be more Willowy. Happy Sunday ụmụ ọma

Is money really all that in your 20s

  While we're in the pursuit to enjoin people to find their career & make money (which is a necessity btw), we shouldn't begrudge others who are much slower on that journey. By that I mean, some people who don't have any idea of what they'd want to do with their lives. And while it's easy for me to say - ohh, learn Copywriting, learn web design and app development, , some people haven't quite found their passion yet. Plus, those of us who've found something now, might switch tomorrow. Who knows where this life leads, right? So, all these make money is huge pressure, that people don't need. Especially in this age of social media and sharing our wins. Always ever about the wins, lol.  But we forget that life isn't a race for all. The end game for each person would be distinct. Sure, it is cute to be in your 20s and be multi-millionairing. However, the fact is that majority who are self-made never fully emerge until their 30s and 40s. Most ...

4 weirdest people in exam halls

 It's been a wild ride since the beginning of this year. But it had all just culminated to the last exams... I'll never understand these peeps inside the exam hall: 1. Those who feel entitled. Those dunderheads who scream *"there is no competition in academics so you must respond to me."* I know, goat. That's why you should be comfortable with the lack of competition for failure 2. Those who, when told points expect to be dictated the full story. Like, I should leave what I'm writing and read out for you... You smoke shit or something? 3. You've never spoken to me outside the exam hall and you're beckoning on me to answer you... Lmao, let's keep the same ole energy everywhere. 4. The reason you don't talk to me outside is cos I'm too serious and unfriendly... My energy doesn't attract such commardiere outside... Might as well repel you inside the hall, Fowl! Look, I get that Nigeria education is not the best but I detest the stupi...